• Whole30 Meal Plan: Rules And Tips To A Successful 30 Days On The Whole30 Plan
    June 27th, 2019

    The Whole30 diet is a diet created for healthy people, by healthy people. These individuals once found themselves exercising with no results. They were eating healthy but still had no energy and had other skin, digestive, and allergy issues as well. Now with the Whole30 diet they can truly eat healthy and see the results […]

  • Nutrition

  • Whole30 Meal Plan: Rules And Tips To A Successful 20 Days On The Whole30 Plan
    Whole30 Meal Plan: Rules And Tips To A Successful 30 Days On The Whole30 Plan
    June 27th, 2019

    The Whole30 diet is a diet created for healthy people, by healthy people. These individuals once found themselves exercising with no results. They were eating healthy but still had no energy and had other skin, digestive, and allergy issues as well. Now with the Whole30 diet they can truly eat healthy and see the results […]

  • Why Parents Are Killing Their Kids With Fast Food
    Why Parents Are Killing Their Kids With Fast Food
    April 25th, 2019

    In today’s dog eat dog, running behind and never catch-up world, our children suffer the most because we do not have time to cook, let alone cook a healthy meal. More and more kids nowadays are eating fast food and we, their parents, are not always giving them the healthy food choices that are now […]

  • Show Your Heart Some Love This Year with 10 Heart-Healthy Foods
    Show Your Heart Some Love This Year with 10 Heart-Healthy Foods
    March 22nd, 2019

    Heart disease continues to hold the top spot as the leading cause of death for Americans, accounting for about one in every four deaths each year in the United States*. So consider adding a few heart-healthy foods to your regular diet to help curb your risk of developing heart disease. The Value of Eating Well […]

  • Why Angiogenesis Inhibitors In Food Stop Cancer And Where To Find Them
    Why Angiogenesis Inhibitors In Food Stop Cancer And Where To Find Them
    January 31st, 2019

    Angiogenesis is the medical term for the growth of new blood vessels. This may sound harmless or even positive at first, but when new blood vessels grow and supply blood flow to cancerous tumor cells, it can hasten tumor growth and encourage the spread of some cancers throughout the body. Small capillary blood vessels near […]

  • Sports Performance & Nutrition

  • Resistance Training, Endurance Athletes, And A High Protein Diet
    Resistance Training, Endurance Athletes, And A High Protein Diet
    November 9th, 2016

    Having recently looked into a study on high protein diets for athletes doing resistance training, it quickly became apparent that certain exercise types — such as resistance training and endurance training — have unique dietary needs to be completely effective.  There was no significant change in body composition for anyone in the study, but other […]

  • 4 Reasons Why Athletes Should Use The Paleo Diet-DietaryRehabilitation
    4 Reasons Why Athletes Should Use The Paleo Diet
    August 28th, 2015

    If you are an athlete, you may be wondering whether the Paleo Diet is the best eating plan for you. Our distant ancestors were definitely in good physical shape; their very survival depended on being able to respond quickly to physical threats. We may not be living in caves any longer, but if you are […]

  • Dorian-Yates-01
    Reconstructing the Anabolic Diet- Part 2
    June 19th, 2012
    4 responses

    In part 1 of the series, we looked at the Anabolic Diet’s low carbohydrate, ketogenic weekday phase. We discussed the general premises of the diet, and I explained the modifications that I would make in order to make the diet more effective for body composition changes and much healthier in the long-term. In part 2, […]

  • 1243965038_sovershenstvo-muzhskogo-tela-29
    Reconstructing the Anabolic Diet- Part 1
    April 26th, 2012
    7 responses

    It is hard to believe that it has been almost 20 years since the Anabolic Diet cycled its way into the mainstream of the sports nutrition world. I remember receiving my copy in the mail in the middle of the summer of my freshman year in college, laying at the beach and looking down at […]

  • Healthy Nutrition Recipes

  • Yummy, Healthy Recipes with Dietary Fiber Benefits
    Yummy, Healthy Recipes With Dietary Fiber Benefits
    May 8th, 2018

    Nobody really likes to talk about fiber, but high fiber recipes need to become an integral part of our healthy diet. Fiber needs to come out of the closet and be recognized for the benefits it gives us. Fiber is the indigestible part of plants that help us stay regular. There are two types of […]
